Monday, August 24, 2009

A post by Brigitte Peterson (Formerly Newey)

James Bryan Moseley 10/23/1982 - 8/22/2009

Yesterday morning I woke up to a shock. I learned that one of my closest friends growing up, passed away on Saturday morning. My friend Bryan.
Bryan's sister Jennefer has created a blog in his memory You can go there and see some more recent pictures and other's comments and posts about him. If you knew him post something yourself.
I'm sitting here wondering how you manage to put a life time of memories into one blog posts and it seems impossible. I can't tell every story to its fullest and can't do justice in describing him for those who were not privileged to know him. I decided to post the few pictures I could find and then just list every memory that comes to me. That's the best I can do for now. I know its long, you don't have to read it all, but I had to get all the memories out I could while I still remember them. If you must skip over them and read the bottom.
* The song playing was NOT one of Bryan's favorites. He didn't like it actually, but he played it for me all the time because I did.
Bryan and his Soccer Buddies in 7th grade. I rescued this picture out of the discard pile in my yearbook class.

Bryan and I at our 8th grade graduation.

Bryan and I at our High school Graduation.

L to R: Chrissy, Sarah, Me, Bryan (and the side of Jeff's head)

-My first memory of you is when my mom told me that you had been in a car accident. I couldn't remember who he was and my mom said he was the boy sitting behind me in church that day. Later I remember watching you play basketball on the playground during the P.E.
-My next memory is of my fist young women's activity at church. 12 years old and in 6th grade, I was the youngest and we were in charge of the Haunted house at the ward Halloween party. I got landed with the job to sit under a box pretending I was a head on a platter. At some point you and David Blakeman show up and found it funny to torture me. You were dressed as Indiana Jones and were using the bullwhip to hit the box I was under. you guys thought thought you were hilarious. I went home that night and told my mom that I was NEVER going to speak to that Bryan Moseley ever again.
-I remember always sitting by each other in every class we had together from 7th grade on because our names were next to each other alphabetically, which is essentially how we became friends.
-Dissecting our worms, fish's and frogs together. Always being lab partners through 7th & 8th.
-You calling me up and asking me to go the valentine's dance at school. I reminded you that you weren't allowed to go to dances because you weren't 14 yet. You explained that since church was across the street and it was the same night as our activity night, you would just tell your mom you went to church, but actually go to the dance. I turned you down, saying I was grounded (which was true, but I still went to the dance).
-That was our first never ending phone conversation in what would become a tradition. We stayed up late til our mom's made us get off the phone making fun of Barbra Walter's dress on TV.
-Talking on the phone almost every night after that.
-Goofing off everyday
-the time we were doing bunson burners in 8th grade and we didn't have a spot to set the matches down so you put them in your pocket. Later that night still having them in your pocket and being accused of smoking.
-Worrying like crazy when you had your first heart valve transplant.
-Your mom calling to tell me that the first thing you told her to do afterward was call me and tell me you were OK.
-Making my parents drive almost a days drive out of their way on our family trip, to visit you in the hospital in San Fransisco.
-You finally "asking me out" via Brandon who asked me, I answered and he relayed the messege back
-Our mom's finding out we were "going out"
-Talking on the phone all night
-Walking home with Emily after school and throwing those blossom's off the tree at each other because they were full of water.
-Planning to spend the night at Emily's while you were staying the night at Joe's (across the street)
-8th grade trip to the water slides in Redding
-Temple trip 96
-The Fair
-My gift and letter at girls camp
-going to the lake with my family and you hiding your scar.
-Starting high school together.
-Eating lunch and begging Michelle to come get us for lunch so we could go to MacDonald's
-Hitting the puppy in the "cool van" (my mom's) after seminary. being relieved it was OK.
-My first kiss
-more endless phone conversations
-breaking your 14 year old heart.
-not speaking to each other
-World History 1oth grade. The time you put in a tape that no one else wanted to listen to and telling everyone "don't you dare, take this out" Me standing up looking you right in the eye and taking the tape out while everyone said "OOOOH"
-laughing about it
-talking again
-just hanging out at church at a billion different activities. Snowball fights.
-11th grade watching your garage band playing because I was dating someone in it, but spending more time goofing off with you.
-Hanging out at my house watching TV and drinking milk shakes
-You & Michelle and the other Brian following me on my last date with Scott. Turning around at his brother's graduation to see you three hiding behind your programs laughing at me and then trying to keep a straight face afterward so Scott wouldn't find out.
-watching you Skate
-You telling me how much you loved EFY and talking about the cute girl you met.
-Starting our senior year joined at the hip.
-Staying on the phone worrying about who we would go to the Junior prom with.
-Talking about our "lists" (the people we had crushes on)
-Younger kids in our physics class finding out that we used to "date". Them saying it was gross, like a brother and sister dating.
-You sleeping on my parents couch
-building the senior float together
-Going to every football game. You laughing at me for being uncomfortable in my Drill team uniform
-Celebrating our birthday's together
-Going and getting our Birthday interviews with Bishop Ray together.
-Traveling to the away games together. OH Too many stories to share. Finding out I wasn't YOUR first kiss and getting mad, while Sarah and Chuck laughed. Hitting the deer and Sarah and Chuck yelling so loud it woke us up.
-You making fun of me for liking that boy in physics. Impersonating me staring at him behind his back.
-coming in late during physics after lunch everyday.
-Trying to help each other pass physics.
-Timing our back massages and saying we owed each other a certain amount of time
-renting "clean slate"
-Sarah and I getting in an argument in the senior hall because I called you my best friend and not her, I said she called Chrissy her best friend and not me. realizing that it was an immature conversation for 18 year olds to have. Deciding it was OK to have two best friends.
-You being my Teachers Aid in math.
-You calling me along with the entire math class when I was jet lagged from getting back from Paris and you KNEW I would be sleeping.
-Dropping my math class and being a T.A for another class. Walking around the whole period as TA's together
-Safe Ride
-Walking home from "safe ride" because we didn't have a ride. getting scared walking home.
-When we got mad the school wasn't having an after game dance and holding our own in your barn. Everyone showed up, but we forgot to tell your mom about it. Thinking your mom was cool for not caring.
-laughing about my "stalker"
-You getting homecoming King. Wearing your crown all over town and telling everyone while we looked for purple and gold hairspray.
-When ever I told you to pull your pants up because no one wanted to see your boxers you would drop them and walk with them around your ankles to embarrass me.
-Calling you my Brotha from another motha. and you said I was your Sista from anotha Mista.
-You telling me you didn't hang out with me as much after school as much because you couldn't stand my boyfriend.
-The time Sarah, Daniel, you and I decided to choreograph a dance because we were bored at the youth conference dance.
-leaving for college.
-talking to you at least once a week on the phone during the first few semesters.
-Getting in trouble with my mom for using all the minutes on her calling card talking to you.
-Saving our money to buy our own calling cards
-Still talking about who we liked on the phone.
-My college boyfriend getting jealous of our friendship
-You getting in yet another car accident and calling to apologize that you had to pay for the car instead of buying my birthday present. (you said you were going to send me the money to buy that outfit at Maurice's)
-Coming home for Christmas and hanging out with you.
-Grocery shopping with my mom while you put silly and embarrassing stuff in her cart to make her laugh
-Giving me a belated birthday card along with my Christmas present (a cd) the card had $100 that I desperately needed for school.
-The fact that you would somehow know when to call every time I was upset even if we hadn't spoken in months.
-Michelle and I forcing you into going to see the "others" with us. You being so scared you through you popcorn up in the air yelling "why am I the one holding the popcorn. The little kids in your primary class who were sitting in front of us laughing at you. Hold both Michelle and I's hands because you were so scared. Telling us afterward you would NEVER let us talk you into going to the movies again.
-Our conversations changing from who we liked to who we think we'd marry
-You flat out telling me that I had bad taste in guys, but every once in a while I got lucky and me deciding not to have bad taste in them anymore (thanks)
- You telling me you were never going to get married because you didn't think you'd live to be 30. Me getting mad at you for it.
-Being happy when you told me you found the girl you wanted to marry
-badmouthing her with you when she broke your heart
-pretending to be happy for you when you (kind of) got back together
-wondering what ever happened with that?
-worrying about you again
-learning about your second operation.
-our phone conversations changing to e-mails and letters and eventually dying out.
-seeing you when I came home from school in the summer and at Christmas
-The last time I saw you: I was home for summer in 2004. My mom and I were having lunch at the Pizza Factory and you came in. You sat down and ate with us. I don't think I gave you a hug goodbye, assuming I would see you later that summer.
-Instant messaging one another.
-Telling you all about Jeremy
-texting you and talking on our cell phones.
-Getting a voice mail from you randomly after about 6 months on New Years Eve 2006
-Calling you the next day to tell you Jeremy Proposed the night before. You telling me that's why you called, because you figured Jeremy was going to propose. Asking you how you knew that when I didn't. You telling me you saw it coming for a while. It reminding me how you used to be able to tell when I liked a guy before I knew myself.
That was the last time I talked to you on the phone.
-Wishing you had come to my wedding like you promised me a long time ago.
-losing touch
-Getting a few e-mails.
-Finding you on facebook. Getting mad at you for teasing me about my son's name
-Silly facebook posts...
I could think of a billion more I'm sure.
This is what Bryan wrote in my Senior yearbook:

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